Food · Life

Holiday Parties & a Festive Recipe

This past weekend seemed to be prime time for holiday parties, one of my favorite parts of this season. Celebrations with friends, food, wine and laughter top my list of holiday season favorites and this year is no exception. Even the snow that made its way to Boston Saturday night couldn’t put a damper on… Continue reading Holiday Parties & a Festive Recipe

Food · Life

Life Lately

In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been in a bit of a blogging slump lately. The words don’t seem to flow as easily when I write and I struggle to sit down and choose drafting up a blog post over simply just enjoying what’s going on around me. I’m hoping it’s just temporary, but for… Continue reading Life Lately


Honey Roasted Butternut Squash and Brussels Sprout White Pizza

I have a confession to make, and it might come as a surprise to some of you. I love Brussels sprouts. No, but really, I love Brussels sprouts. They’re simple, delicious, versatile, totally underrated perfection. I get visibly upset when the grocery store doesn’t carry them on a regular basis. It’s kind of a problem.… Continue reading Honey Roasted Butternut Squash and Brussels Sprout White Pizza