Food · Life

Holiday Parties & a Festive Recipe

This past weekend seemed to be prime time for holiday parties, one of my favorite parts of this season. Celebrations with friends, food, wine and laughter top my list of holiday season favorites and this year is no exception. Even the snow that made its way to Boston Saturday night couldn’t put a damper on the festivities.

Christmas Parties

One of my favorite family recipes for holiday parties (or really, any time of year) is a cheese ball recipe my stepmom has been making for years. It’s simple, delicious, and always a big hit. We typically make a couple of them right around the holidays, just to have in the fridge in case unexpected company or festivities pop up.

Pineapple Cheese Ball

Pineapple Holiday Cheese Ball

1/2 cup chopped yellow onion
1/2 cup chopped green pepper
1 8oz. can crushed pineapple
1 8oz. block of cream cheese, softened
chopped walnuts

1. Strain crushed pineapple as best you can, removing nearly all liquid. I find it helpful to use cheesecloth or a strong paper towel here to wring out the juice.

2. Mix onion, green pepper, drained pineapple, and cream cheese until well combined.

3. Form mixture into a ball and roll in chopped walnuts until covered.

4. Serve with wheat thins or other crackers and enjoy!


What’s your go-to favorite holiday appetizer?

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